Monday, May 01, 2006

"Wonderwall" Day

Everyone knows that I am not the biggest Oasis fan, but tonight I listened to "Wonderwall" for the first time in a while and I liked it - I liked it a lot. So maybe do yourself a favour and listen to "Wonderwall" today.


The Offensive Coordinator said...

Steve and Matt would be proud of you! (As am I).

Anonymous said...

I'd actually recommend Paul Anka's version instead... :)

Anonymous said...

For me, it's a very grade 9 song. Brings back lots of memories. I think I actually used to think it was kind of romantic...that might help to explain why that was a largely dateless period of my life...

Bonnie said...

Oh, Amie, you are my wonderwall. :)

Molly said...

Ryan Adams has a lovely cover of this song too, which had driven me back to the Oasis original only a few weeks ago. I had missed it as well.

Garry said...

I enjoy the Ryan Adams version as well, though I admit I am unfamiliar with the Anka version. Apparently Radiohead has a version, which I have yet to hear. I'm sure it's appropriately kooky.

Molly said...

. . . and appropriately detested by Scott.

The Offensive Coordinator said...

Actually, I'd be suitable impressed if Radiohead could manage to remove all signs of melody and rhythm from a great song like "Wonderwall". I'm sure that's not easy.

The Offensive Coordinator said...

damn! Remember, Scott - preview is your friend! That should be "suitably impressed"