Man, I love Found Magazine. But it's sometimes hard to get ahold of in Saskatatoon.P.S. Yes, that is a creepy note; the fury is overwhelming.
I think someone needs to show this to Cory! Maybe it will justify his "knifey" ways in his apartment building!
Actually, maybe he is the one who wrote the note. I will have to ask him...
Trust me, Cory didn't write the note. I've said too much..
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Man, I love Found Magazine. But it's sometimes hard to get ahold of in Saskatatoon.
P.S. Yes, that is a creepy note; the fury is overwhelming.
I think someone needs to show this to Cory! Maybe it will justify his "knifey" ways in his apartment building!
Actually, maybe he is the one who wrote the note. I will have to ask him...
Trust me, Cory didn't write the note. I've said too much..
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