Saturday, February 18, 2006

Love notes in the laundry room...

I came across this note at Found Magazine, which publishes ephemera found by the magazine's readers. This particular note is too weird/scary to not post about.I would like to find this guy and put him in a dryer until he is dried to my satisfaction.


Dean Ziegler said...

Man, I love Found Magazine. But it's sometimes hard to get ahold of in Saskatatoon.
P.S. Yes, that is a creepy note; the fury is overwhelming.

Anonymous said...

I think someone needs to show this to Cory! Maybe it will justify his "knifey" ways in his apartment building!

Bonnie said...

Actually, maybe he is the one who wrote the note. I will have to ask him...

Jazz said...

Trust me, Cory didn't write the note. I've said too much..