Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Real Smell of Ramshackle: Tastes Great! Less Goat-Fiend!

The Real Smell of Ramshackle: Tastes Great! Less Goat-Fiend! My apologies to my friend Dean - I should've posted and linked to this site years ago!


Garry said...

Also check out his brother Kevin's blog, Bloggy McBloggerstein.

Dean Ziegler said...

Thanks for the "shout out" Garry, I appreciate it...Did I just refer to a "shout out"??

In addition, I sincerely appologize, in advance, to anyone who reads my blog. Absurdity abounds.

Garry said...

Thanks Dean - a shout out here and there is good for the soul. And Kevin's blog is title Bloggy McBlogINGstein, not Bloggy McBloggerstein, which would have been a good title as well.